Hi there, long time no see.
Haven't update for my blog for a year, and I would like to bring you some updates and drop a quick HI :)
I was studying in Shenzhen, China last year, and in August I flew to Atlanta for in-person classes.
So far classes are well, and I just learned cool stuff in OS and networking.
Got my first intern and I am still deciding if start it in January or not.
Broke up with my girlfriend and now I am single again.
Bought the first car in my life, and it's a 2012 Ford Focus. Although it mourns sometimes when driving it, but overall it's a nice car. I am planning to take her to Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan during the coming winter break!
Fell in love with hiking, and I would like to continue this hobby in the future.
Watched many Japanese dramas and now finally I know a little thing about dealing with others. IT'S STILL HARD THOUGH.
That would be all. 頑張ってね!Good night!
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最后编辑时间为: Dec 7, 2021 at 12:48 am